
From Death to Delirium

If anyone has ever extensively read the Sandman series of comics, and you know me, you would know that I used to resemble the character of Death quite a bit. I realized the other day that I am now, and have really always been, much more like Delirium, yet afraid to expose/embrace it.
Anyhoo, made some revalations recently: I am first and foremost, and Artist.
I want to learn to Tattoo. I think my interest/skill in film/video production should be geared toward Music Videos. I'm missing a very important CD: "Pig: Sinsation." Let me know if you see it laying around. I also tend to use comma's like they're going outta style.

Merf out. Word.


Walter said...

So do you think you were more like Delight at one time?

WCSiNx said...

tag back suckah! :P

Anonymous said...

Sup Mer? I don't know if you remember me or not, but we went to school together. I'm Jeremy ;o)

Merideth the Starving Artist said...

Oh, ok. Jeremy WHO?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Skelton. Sorry, I have a habit of internet anonymity.

Merideth the Starving Artist said...

well KNOCK IT OFF! anyhoo, good to hear from you. whassup? better way of contacting you than blogger comment?

Anonymous said...

Drop a line sometime:
